Is this digital zine going to be free?
Yes! We're excited to come together and celebrate our favorite Law ships. It's like a fun group project...but without all the disappointment.
Is there an age limit for moderators and contributors?
We are requiring that everyone involved in this zine be 18+.
Do you need prior zine experience to apply?
That's really not the focus here. :) This project is meant to be fun and to showcase our love for our favorite Law centric ships. We encourage you to apply whether it's your first time or your fiftieth zine. Go for it!
Do you have a timeline?
The estimated timeline is up on our Schedule page.
Will there be merch?
Unfortunately, no. The mod team has decided to keep this a simple and fun project for those involved.
Is any ship allowed?
Yes, for the most part. As long as it's between two or more characters of consenting age. They can be non-canonically aged up though. That's the only requirement. We have nothing against anyone's preferences, this is just ours since underage ships can be a massive trigger for our mods. Other than that anything is really allowed.
Will OCs and X Readers be allowed?
We will have a section for both OCs and X-Reader.